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Imagination is the cause of production

 Imagination is the cause of production

Imagination is the cause of production

Many of us abhor imagination, and imagination is a major cause of production. When we imagine, if we work hard, we will generate great energy within us that increases our ability to produce. The employee imagines himself if he continues to produce, what he will gain from his manager. ? Likewise, when a writer writes and imagines his articles crossing the East and West and people reading them, the greatest imagination is for a person to see himself in Paradise and enjoy its rivers, trees, and beds, thus becoming more active in worship. They mentioned to me the story of a young man from Algeria when he memorized the Qur’an perfectly in two months, so they asked him: How did you achieve this on your own? He answered them that whenever he wanted to memorize, he imagined the moment of standing on the podium or stage to be honored, with all his relatives and friends in front of him. Whenever he imagined this, he gained great inner strength and his determination increased. It is the power of imagination, so do not underestimate it. Try it in all your successes and deeds. Then if you find a difference, come to this. The paragraph from the book, erase it with a blue pen, and pray for goodness for its writer. From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan
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